
Kongtaminated is a webcomic about the flash-game-portal Kongregate and about flash-games in general. If you have criticism, wishes or suggestions write me a email (trash-crew(at)gmx.de) or join the discussion on Kongregate.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Home is where heart is

We moved to a new location: http://kongtaminated.casualtygamer.com
This gave us the opportunity to update the design and introduce some new features like a rate-system for the comics.

So update your bookmarks & feeds, spread the word and lets celebrate this memorable day.

Please notice that this site will no longer be updated. All actual business moved to http://kongtaminated.casualtygamer.com

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

May The Shift Be With You!

Referenced game: Shift 2

Friday, August 22, 2008

Theres an elephant in the room

Referenced game: Elephant Rave

First I wanted a punchline saying "Paul wasn't so much into porcelain stores" till I found out that the "an elephant in the china shop" is a german thing, the according english phrase is "a bull in the china shop".

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Whats with all those G's?

Controversial, controversial. Please don't feel offended! I don't think Greg resembles Hitler in any way - quite the convers: I appreciate what he is doing for Kong! But this greg-month is a thing that should make people think. All those neat little G's on so many avatars - it's so easy to dedicate yourself to one person (which do not have to be a bad thing). And keep in mind: Kongregate is not a one-man-show! There is a whole staff behind which deserves those attention too. Show those guys your respect for theire work but please don't overdo it.

As always: Feel free to discuss in the comments!

Friday, August 15, 2008

All killer, no filler

Referenced game: Filler

Claustrophobia isn't the best prerequisite ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some things are buried for a reason ...

It's trasheasure-week on kong and I really like the idea. But there are things that won't get better only because they get more attention. Hopefully "Dog eat dog" was the only of this kinda games. In contrast: Cirplosion is one of those nice but underrated games I expect from now on. If you think different discuss in the comments!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

With a little help from my friends

Ok, guys. This webcomic is still at it's very beginning and lacks what it needs most: readers! You are the reason why I run this whole thing and without your comments and feedback it can't advance. So tell your friends and link the blog if you think it deserves it.
I created a little webbanner for this purpose :

Now go and spread the word (or spam Greg with spam-mails till we get this on kongregates frontpage ;P).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You are only 666 points away from Level ...

Kong didn't gave me my 5 Days without Kongregate Badge in Reallife. Anyone else experienced problems?

PS: If anyone isn't familiar with Wacken: Its the biggest metal-open-air-festival in germany.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back on track!

Referenced game: Super crazy guitar maniac deluxe 3

I'm back from Wacken since sunday and after a day of sleep and a long shower I feel human again. Todays comic is a little apology for the friday update hope you guys are fine with it. By the way I really suck bad at those hit-the-keys-to-the-music games. I can't manage to achive even a easy badge ;P