
Kongtaminated is a webcomic about the flash-game-portal Kongregate and about flash-games in general. If you have criticism, wishes or suggestions write me a email (trash-crew(at)gmx.de) or join the discussion on Kongregate.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

With a little help from my friends

Ok, guys. This webcomic is still at it's very beginning and lacks what it needs most: readers! You are the reason why I run this whole thing and without your comments and feedback it can't advance. So tell your friends and link the blog if you think it deserves it.
I created a little webbanner for this purpose :

Now go and spread the word (or spam Greg with spam-mails till we get this on kongregates frontpage ;P).


Malachi said...

Don't worry... I link to this site in chat every time you release a new comic!

trash said...

Thanks malachi. I really appreciate this.

boblukebob said...

I try to spread the word. The comics are genius!