
Kongtaminated is a webcomic about the flash-game-portal Kongregate and about flash-games in general. If you have criticism, wishes or suggestions write me a email (trash-crew(at)gmx.de) or join the discussion on Kongregate.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some things are buried for a reason ...

It's trasheasure-week on kong and I really like the idea. But there are things that won't get better only because they get more attention. Hopefully "Dog eat dog" was the only of this kinda games. In contrast: Cirplosion is one of those nice but underrated games I expect from now on. If you think different discuss in the comments!


Obeliskos said...

Comic = Funny, "ash" being marked out and "easure" being added was funny, and the post was truth.

damijin said...

Just so you know, Trash, Kongregate staff reads your comic and we think its awesome :D

Today's was fantastic, keep it up!

James said...

Is that greg there?

trash said...

I guess the big G on his shirt should be enough of a hint ;P I had to draw him based on the few photos in the "Ultimate Kongregate Photo Thread" so please don't be blame me if he didn't look exactly like greg. Maybe someone can send me a better picture *hintatdamijin*?