
Kongtaminated is a webcomic about the flash-game-portal Kongregate and about flash-games in general. If you have criticism, wishes or suggestions write me a email (trash-crew(at)gmx.de) or join the discussion on Kongregate.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Whats with all those G's?

Controversial, controversial. Please don't feel offended! I don't think Greg resembles Hitler in any way - quite the convers: I appreciate what he is doing for Kong! But this greg-month is a thing that should make people think. All those neat little G's on so many avatars - it's so easy to dedicate yourself to one person (which do not have to be a bad thing). And keep in mind: Kongregate is not a one-man-show! There is a whole staff behind which deserves those attention too. Show those guys your respect for theire work but please don't overdo it.

As always: Feel free to discuss in the comments!


Anonymous said...

I love how all of this started as a joke to be honest. Overall Greg month is a lot erm quiter this year than it was last year.

Malachi said...

Haha, great representation of Greg Month! xD

Anonymous said...

your "kongtaminated"-comics are genious, go on!

damijin said...


Unknown said...

How did you know about the uniform?!!! He just started wearing it.

(Just kidding, of course.)

Anonymous said...